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Monitor and alert Privacy policy changes

PPGS’s Privacy Policy Monitoring and Notification Service reviews for changes in vendor public privacy policies, ensuring compliance, mitigating risk, and upholding privacy, thereby saving your time and resources.

159,188 Policies reviewed

PPGS's dedicated AI, KATZ, is tirelessly scanning the internet, processing every public privacy policy it encounters, ensuring a comprehensive and up-to-date database for your peace of mind and compliance needs.

our actions are driven by our mission, purpose, and core values

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One team

Our PPGS team, with its wealth of knowledge and decades of experience, spans across multiple industries, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of diverse compliance needs and regulatory landscapes



PPGS values transparency because we believe it strengthens trust, enhances customer relationships, and promotes clarity in the intricate landscape of privacy compliance, driving better outcomes for all stakeholders.



Accountability is fundamental to our operations, underlining our commitment to ethical standards, reinforcing our credibility, and motivating us to fulfill our promises, ensuring the delivery of top-tier service to our clients



Equality is central to our ethos, ensuring fair treatment, promoting inclusivity, and driving innovation by valuing the diverse experiences and perspectives of our clients, partners, and team members.


Giving back

Giving back is ingrained in our mission, allowing us to contribute positively to our community, foster sustainable development, and create a meaningful impact beyond the realm of our core services.



Innovation lies at the heart of our approach, fueling our pursuit of new ideas and technologies, driving efficiency, and enabling us to deliver cutting-edge solutions that address the evolving needs of privacy compliance.

Join Our Team

PPGS actively seeks passionate leaders to join our esteemed board of advisors, bringing diverse expertise and perspectives to help shape our strategic direction and drive continuous excellence in our privacy policy monitoring services.

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