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Gain peace of mind in the hard to understand privacy world.

Simple grading system that ANYONE can understand

The Privacy Policy Grading System (PPGS) by Ken Cox is a method for rating privacy policies based on specific criteria, assigning each policy a letter grade from A (blue) for strong privacy protection to F (red) for inadequate protection. This system evaluates policies across six key areas, including transparency, user control, third-party sharing, security measures, notification of changes, and readability.

PPGS emphasizes clear language and comprehensive coverage in privacy policies, alongside user rights like access, modification, and deletion of personal data. It also assesses policies for their handling of third-party sharing, security measures to protect data, methods of notifying users about policy changes, and the readability level suitable for an average 9th-grade United States student.


Currently, it is not possible to view your company’s PPGS Report on the website. PPGS is in the process of developing a feature that will allow companies to access their reports and potentially display a badge on their website. This functionality is not yet active. If you are interested in being notified when this service becomes available, please send an email expressing your interest to [email protected].

The Vendor Review Automation (VRA) tool by PPGS not only automates the evaluation of vendors’ privacy policies but also assists companies in meeting SOC (Service Organization Control) requirements for annual vendor reviews. This tool streamlines the process by reaching out to vendors, collecting their information, and providing an interface for assessing risk. Additionally, it generates evidence of vendor reviews, which can be vital for audits. This makes VRA a comprehensive solution for companies looking to efficiently manage vendor relationships and ensure compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Learn more

PPGS (Privacy Policy Grading System) is important because it provides a standardized, objective framework for evaluating the effectiveness and thoroughness of privacy policies. By assessing policies against key criteria such as transparency, user control, third-party sharing, and security measures, PPGS helps ensure that companies are upholding high standards in data privacy and protection. This is crucial in an era where data breaches and privacy concerns are prevalent, offering a clear benchmark for companies to strive for better privacy practices and for consumers to make informed decisions about who they share their personal information with.

Currently, access to PPGS data via an API is not available. However, development is underway to create an API and DNS lookups, which will enable developers to access PPGS data. This upcoming feature aims to provide greater flexibility and integration options for those seeking to utilize PPGS’s privacy policy grading insights in their applications and systems.

At PPGS, the review and analysis of privacy policies are primarily conducted by an AI named KATZAI, developed in homage to the landmark Katz v. United States case related to privacy rights. KATZAI handles most of the review process, efficiently evaluating policies against PPGS’s established criteria. Additionally, PPGS is developing a service to offer attorney-led reviews, where policies will be assessed, graded, and summarized at a 9th-grade reading level. This service, however, is not yet available. For more information or updates on this upcoming service, interested parties can email [email protected].


Unlock Clarity and Confidence in Privacy Policies with PPGS

In the digital age, where data privacy is paramount, PPGS™ stands as a beacon of clarity and assurance. Our unique Privacy Policy Grading System (PPGS) is meticulously designed to demystify privacy policies, transforming them from daunting texts into understandable, transparent guidelines. We recognize the challenge individuals and businesses face in navigating the complexities of privacy policies. That’s why PPGS acts as your trusted ally, offering a clear, color-coded, and easy-to-understand grading system. From Blue for excellent to Red for inadequate, our system provides an immediate understanding of a policy’s strengths and weaknesses. With PPGS, we empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring your personal or customer data is handled with the respect and security it deserve

Elevating Standards, Enhancing Trust

At PPGS™, our goal transcends beyond simplification; we aim to elevate the standards of data privacy globally. By assigning grades based on criteria like transparency, user control, third-party sharing, and security measures, we encourage organizations to improve their privacy practices. This not only benefits users by providing clearer, more secure policies but also aids businesses in building trust and credibility in the digital marketplace. PPGS™ serves as a vital tool for companies to demonstrate their commitment to data protection, and for users to easily identify and align with those who value their privacy. Embrace a future where digital privacy is no longer a concern but a given standard, with PPGS™ as your guide.


Beautiful Table
Grading Criteria
Transparency (Clear and Complete) Meets all criteria Meets most criteria Partially meets criteria Meets few criteria Does not meet criteria
User Control (Access, Deletion, and Changes) Provides strong user control Provides some user control Provides limited user control Provides minimal user control Does not provide user control
Third-party Sharing (Limits and Consent) Provides strong limits and consent options Provides some limits and consent options Provides limited limits and consent options Provides minimal limits and consent options Does not provide limits or consent options
Security Measures Strong security measures in place Some security measures in place Limited security measures in place Minimal security measures in place No security measures in place
Data Minimization Collects only necessary data Collects mostly necessary data Collects some unnecessary data Collects mostly unnecessary data Collects only unnecessary data
Retention Policies Short retention periods and clear policies Moderate retention periods and policies Long retention periods or unclear policies Very long retention periods or no policies No retention policies
  • Proactive Risk Management: Stay one step ahead by proactively identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities in vendor privacy policies.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Ensure that your organization's data remains secure by regularly assessing vendor compliance with privacy standards.
  • Time Efficiency: Free up valuable time for your team by automating the vendor review process and receiving reports directly in your inbox.
  • Resource Savings: Reduce labor costs associated with manual vendor assessments and allocate resources to more strategic security initiatives.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Access detailed assessments that cover critical aspects of vendor privacy policies, from data collection to breach response.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Make vendor selections based on data-driven insights, aligning with your organization's data protection standards.
  • Compliance Confidence: Stay up-to-date with changing data protection regulations and minimize the risk of costly fines through regular assessments.
  • Reputation Protection: Safeguard your organization's reputation by ensuring that your vendors uphold the highest privacy standards.
  • Holistic Vendor Oversight: Maintain a comprehensive view of your vendor ecosystem, reducing the risk of unnoticed policy changes.
  • Peace of Mind: Gain confidence in your data protection efforts, knowing you have a proactive system in place to manage vendor privacy policies effectively.

About Us

At PPGS ™, we aim to make privacy policies accessible and comprehensible for everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. Through our grading system, we aim to encourage businesses to maintain transparency and prioritize user privacy. By doing so, we hope to foster a more secure and private online environment for all.